Grand. Perfect. Masterpiece. (GPM)
Final Verdict: Go rent any movie. Go play any video game. Go read any book or listen to any record. And then know this: it isn't one percent of one percent of one percent of the greatness of this game. The script is so deep, the characters are so extraordinary, the gameply is so exhilerating and the action so intense that everything else will seem simple, boring, and childish in comparison. So if you've been playing this series from the beginning, been through the ups and downs and everything in between, been a fan for over ten years and probably for far more, then this is your just reward. Everything finally comes to a close in the most epic, most shocking, and most beautiful way. Enjoy, because this is the end of a great franchise and the birth of a whole new genre of entertainment-- the "perfectainment".
And Hollywood, for all your glory, I can't imagine you'll come close to producing something on this level, so don't even try. It'll just be embarrassing.
Spoiler(s): Space Oddity.
Rotten Tomatoes Rating: Motherf---ing awesome.